Our Principles

1.We embrace the Law of Divine Oneness, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the unity of existence through compassion and acceptance.

2. We align with the Law of Vibration, understanding that our thoughts, emotions, and actions emit energetic vibrations that influence our experiences, and we elevate these vibrations through practices like yoga and mindfulness.

3. We acknowledge the Law of Correspondence, understanding that our internal state reflects our external reality, and we embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and positive change.

4. We harness the power of the Law of Attraction, shaping our reality through positive thoughts and beliefs to manifest our desires.

5. We embrace the Law of Inspired Action, taking intentional steps guided by inner wisdom towards our goals.

6. We contribute to the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy by cultivating positivity and uplifting ourselves and others.

7. We act in alignment with the Law of Cause and Effect, recognizing the consequences of our actions and striving for integrity and mindfulness.

8. We embody the Law of Compensation, understanding that what we give to the world, we receive in abundance.

9. We embrace the Law of Relativity, finding meaning and gratitude in every experience by reframing challenges as opportunities for growth.

10. We honor the Law of Polarity, embracing contrast and duality to gain clarity and wisdom.

11. We respect the Law of Rhythm, honoring the natural cycles of growth, rest, and renewal to cultivate balance and harmony.

12. We balance masculine and feminine energies in accordance with the Law of Gender, fostering wholeness and harmony.

13. We attune ourselves with the natural rhythms and cycles of Nature, observing and celebrating the movement of seasons and lunar phases.

14. We steward the environment, living in harmony with Nature and seeking wisdom and peace through mindfulness.

15. We recognize and utilize divinely inspired gifts, acknowledging a deeper power within and around us. 16. We embrace the interaction of the Physical World and the Spiritual World, respecting both the seen and unseen.

17. We engage in pathworking to traverse the spiritual realm, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

18. We honor the wisdom of teachers and mentors, respecting leadership and valuing every interaction for growth and transformation.